Fortnite Season 6, week 2 has begun. The new week starts with an exciting task list of new challenges. By completing the challenges players will unlock XP, battle pass stars, and more! This weeks challenges are different than previous battle pass challenges. This week they have added 3 stage challenges, where you need to do damage with 3 different weapons – assault rifles are part of the free challenges, sniper rifles are part of the paid challenges. Once you have completed the season 6 week 2 challenges you are able to find the hidden banner. The hidden banner for season 6 week 2 is located just northwest of Paradise Palms.
Take a look at the Fortnite Season 6 Week 2 Cheat Sheet below.
Fortnite Season 6 Week 2 Cheat Sheet:

Complete List of Fortnite Season 6 Week 2 Challenges:
Free Battle Pass Challenges Season 6 Week 2:
- Visit all the corrupted areas (7 Areas – Reward: 5 Battle Pass Stars)
- Use a shadow stone in different matches (3 Stones – Reward: 5 Battle Pass Stars)
- Stage 1: Deal 200 damage with standard assault rifles to opponents (3 Parts – Reward: 5 Battle Pass Stars)
- Stage 2: Deal 200 damage with burst rifles to opponents
- Stage 3: Deal 200 damage with silenced assault rifles to opponents
Paid Battle Pass Challenges Season 6 Week 2:
- Eliminate opponents from at least 50 meters away (1 Eliminations – Reward: 5 Battle Pass Stars)
- Deal damage with pistols to opponents (500 Damage – Reward: 5 Battle Pass Stars)
- SMG Eliminations (3 Eliminations – Reward: 10 Battle Pass Stars)
- Stage 1: Deal 200 damage with the hunting rifle to opponents (200 Damage – Reward: 5 Battle Pass Stars)
- Stage 2: Deal 200 damage with the bolt rifle to opponents
- Stage 3: Deal 200 heavy sniper damage to opponents