If you’re having trouble completing your season 9 week 6 challenges you’ve come to the right place. Squatingdog, a Fortnite content creator, has released his official Fortnite season 9 week 6 cheat sheet. The cheat sheet includes helpful tips that will guide you through the week 6 challenges. Along with tips for challenges, the cheat sheet includes the locations of the week 6 Fortbytes, Fortbye 96, 70, 78, 51, 65, 19 and 89.
Like tradition in Fortnite the challenges are reset on Thursday’s at midnight. Each week a set of 3 free challenges and 4 premium battle pass challenges are released. Upon completing any of the challenges you will be rewarded with battle pass stars. The battle pass stars can be used to level up your free or premium battle pass to unlock in-game rewards.
Fortnite Week 6 Cheat Sheet – Season 9

On the cheat sheet above the challenges are broken up. The challenges on the top are available as part of the premium battle pass challenges, and the challenges on the bottom are part of the premium battle pass challenges. You can earn a total of 20 battle pass stars by completing the free challenges, a total of 30 battle pass stars by completing the premium challenges and all together a total of 50 battle pass stars for completing all of the challenges.
Fortnite Week 6 Challenges – Season 9
Free Challenges
- Land at…
- Land at Lucky Landing
- Land at Loot Lake
- Land at Shifty Shafts
- Land at Frosty Flgiths
- Land at Haunted Hills
- Deal damage with SMGs to opponents (300 damage)
- Hot Spot staged challanges
- Search chests at a Hot Spot
- Search ammo boxes at a Hot Spot
- Get an elimination at a Hot Spot
Premium Challanges
- Deal damage to a vehicle driven by an opponent (300 damage)
- Use a storm flip in different matches (3 matches)
- Use different vehicles in a single match (2 matches)
- Eliminate opponents in The Block of Fatal Fields (3 eliminations)