The most recent update has activate some of the specialist abilities in Call of Duty Blackout. Prior to the update specialists were only available in the multiplayer version of Call of Duty Black Ops 4. There are many specialists that you can activate, one of the favorites being the annihilator pistol from the seraph specialist.
Unlocking Annihilator Pistol in Blackout:
To get the annihilator pistol you first will need a pistol, you can use any pistol in the game. Locating a pistol should be pretty easy as they spawn are a pretty common item. Once you have your pistol you will need to head to the green tent at the firing range named location. At the green tent there will be a box on the table, and 6 white targets. Shoot the targets with your pistol and it will eventually open the box, unlocking the annihilator pistol for you. Keep in mind that the box doesn’t always spawn at the green tent. Players have reported that the box spawns in just about half of the Blackout games they play. Once you receive the annihilator it will appear in your load out like in the picture below.

Here is a video of the annihilator being used in the Blackout game mode: