Black Ops 4 COD World League Pro Point Standings

The Call of Duty World League (CWL) uses pro points to seed teams in tournaments, qualify teams for tournaments and more. Each year at the release of a new Call of Duty the pro points reset. With the release of Call of Duty Black Ops 4 the pro point standings were reset to zero. The standings are based on the total amount of pro points each player on the teams roster has.

Pro points can be earned by playing GameBattles matches, winning 2000 series (2k) tournaments and through LAN events. You get the most amount of pro points for performing well at official Call of Duty World League LAN events.

Black Ops 4 Pro Point Standings

Team Points
SpaceLy’s Team (No Org) 20,500
OpTic Gaming 20,000
Midnight 13,000
Excelerate 10,500
Tisch’s Team (No Org) 10,000
eUnited 10,000
Killa’s Team 9,500
UYO 9,495
Sender’s Team (No Org) 8,285
ReacT 7,500
Parasite’s Team (No Org) 7,490
Super’s Team (No Org) 7,300
Splyce 7,000
Brack’s Team (No Org) 6,555
100 Thieves 5,600
Zinx’s Team (No Org) 4,900
Hybrid 4,700
Stamino’s Team (No Org) 4,700
G2 Esports 4,600
Antiks 4,500
Enigma6 4,430
InControl HQ 4,290
Fayte’s Team (No Org) 4,280
Grand Evo 4,085
Luminosity Gaming 4,000
FaZe Clan 4,000
Remy’s Team (No Org) 3,920
Holler’s Team (No Org) 3,900
3 Kingz Gaming 3,700
Spartans 3,500

Source: Twitter

The pro points standings were last updated on 11/20/2018.

Cord is a full stack web developer by day and gamer by night. Since the early 2000's Cord has been following the competitive FPS gaming community.