The Fortnite Season 8 Week 6 cheat sheet has been released. The week 6 cheat sheet will help you complete all of your week 6 challenges. All week 6 challenges will be available to complete beginning on April 4, 2019.
Like previous weeks, this weeks cheat sheet will cover how to complete the 3 free challenges, and 4 battle pass challenges. In total, by using the sheet to complete your challenges you can earn 50 battle pass stars to help you rank up your battle pass. This weeks challenges are pretty straight forward and should be quite easy using the season 8 week 6 cheat sheet below.
In addition to helping you with your week 6 challenges, this cheat sheet includes this weeks battle star location. The riddle to help you find this weeks battle star is “Search where the knife points on the treasure map loading screen” – or in other words slightly North of Paradise Palms.
Fortnite Season 8 Week 6 Cheat Sheet

Fortnite Season 8 Week 6 Challenges
Free Challenges
- Visit the 5 highest elevations on the island
- Visit a wooden rabbit, a stone pig and a metal llama
- Eliminate opponents at Lazy Lagoon or Frosty Flights
Paid Challenges
- Search where the knife points on the treasure map
- Land at certain named locations
- Land at Fatal Fields
- Land at Lazy Lagoon
- Land at Shift Shafts
- Land at Frosty Flights
- Land at Sunny Steps
- Use different throw able items in a single match
- Get an elimination with a flint-knock pistol or boom bow
Keep in mind you will need to finish the match to complete progress on your challenges. Quitting at any point during the match will not count towards your challenges.