As Season One of Modern Warfare quickly approaches players have been given access to double XP and more information on officer rank refreshes. The double XP is active immediately and will last until December 2, 2019. Double XP has been enabled to help players reach maximum rank (Level 155) prior to the season one launch on December 3, 2019. Once Season One launches players who have reached maximum officer rank will have their level reset to level 56.
Double XP (11/27/2019 – 12/2/2019)
By enabling double XP players can now level faster towards the end goal of the “O.G. Blueprint” for Season One. By reaching level 155 players will unlock the blueprint and be able to showcase their pre-season progression. The “O.G. Blueprint” is a M4A1 variant with an under barrel launcher attachment.

Players will also be given a reward if they reached level 56. Once you enter officer ranks at level 56 you unlock the “Hush” variant for the Model 680.

Not only has double XP been enabled but also double weapon XP. If you are looking to unlock weapon camo’s make sure to utilize the double weapon XP to rank your weapons faster as well.
If you are a player looking to reach level 155 before the reset here are some tips to level faster utilizing double XP. The first tip is to play objective style respawn game modes such as kill confirmed, domination, hardpoint or headquarters. When playing the objective respawn game modes make sure to play the objective. Capturing points in domination, or being the first to the hill in hardpoint will net you quite a bit of XP, especially with double XP.
Officer Rank Refresh

Once Season One launches on December 3, 2019 players who have reached officer ranks (level 56 to level 155) will have their level reset to level 56. Players will also have all of their officer rank challenges reset, and updated to all new challenges. The challenges will be accompanied with 100 new ribbons that lead up to a new season one animated emblem.
When the refresh happens, players will keep any calling cards, emblems, or variants unlocked from the previous seasons.
Keep in mind that it is just your level that is resetting. Any progress towards challenges or missions will not be reset and progress will be retained. However, any progress towards office rank challenges (the ribbons) will be reset as the challenges will be replaced with new challenges.