How Trials Work in Modern Warfare

Modern Warfare Trials Cover

Trials is a new concept that was introduced to Call of Duty Modern Warfare on October 29, 2019. The new game type allows players who have reached Officer Ranks (level 55 or higher) to earn tickets that they can use to compete in Trials. Trials will replace the popular Call of Duty mechanic known as “Prestige” by allowing players to upgrade their rank instead of resetting back to level 0. The Trials will put your skills to the test in training operations that will allow you to get XP rewards.

How Trials Work

  • One ticket is needed to participate in a Trial
  • Each ticket will grant you 3 tries at the Trial you have selected
  • Depending on how you perform in the Trial you will be given 1, 2 or 3 stars as a rating
  • Each star rating with grant you XP rewards
    • 0 stars = 0 XP
    • 1 star = 5,000 XP
    • 2 stars = 7,500 XP
    • 3 stars = 10,000 XP
  • Keep in mind that trials do rotate, so if you see an easy trial it is best to attempt it before it is gone.
Trials Screen Modern Warfare
Trials Screen Modern Warfare

Each trial will need to be completed in a skills crash course, not in an online multiplayer match. To give you a better idea on what trials are here is what the initial trial look like. The current Trial is titled “Gun Course”. For each ticket used on “Gun Course” you will be given 3 attempts to make your way through the course as fast as possible clearing all enemy targets and avoiding civilian casualties. For this particular Trial you will need to complete it in less than 40 seconds for 3 stars, less than 60 seconds for 2 stars and less than 90 seconds for 1 star. Failure to complete the Trial in less than 90 seconds will result in 0 stars and no XP.

Cord is a full stack web developer by day and gamer by night. Since the early 2000's Cord has been following the competitive FPS gaming community.