Epic Games have officially announced they will be releasing patch v8.51 on May 2, 2019. The patch is a game update, and not a content update. However, we are expecting some new content to come from it as well. Once the patch is live you will receive it by updating your client.The patch will go live at 5:00 AM ET on all platforms and will not require any down time.
After last weeks major v8.5 patch it appears this will be a much smaller follow up patch. Check out what we believe will be included in the May 2 v8.51 patch update.
Fortnite Shadow Bomb
The Shadow Bomb is not 100% confirmed with this update. But, based on the Reddit post verbiage “Time to be stealthy” and “Sneak into the v8.51..” contained in the announcement we believe that this patch will introduce the Shadow Bomb. The Shadow Bomb has never been in Fortnite before, so players don’t 100% know what to expect.

Feel free to come to your own conclusion using the leaked Shadow Bomb audio files:
Audio File For The Leaked Shadow Bomb Item #Fortnite (1/2) pic.twitter.com/qfqu2AJQIC
— Fortnite News (@FNBRHQ) April 10, 2019
Audio File For The Leaked Shadow Bomb Item #Fortnite (2/2) pic.twitter.com/Mz47ilQNd7
— Fortnite News (@FNBRHQ) April 10, 2019

Loot Lake Changes
The end of Fortnite season 8 is near, which means the start of season 9 is close as well. Lately, when Fortnite seasons end there is a major map change and event to go with it. Recently, Loot Lake has been changing over the past couple weeks. As of May 1, all 5 Runes have been activated. When the Runes were activated shakes from the Volcano could be felt throughout the map.

Based on previous events, it appears that major changes are coming to the Loot Lake area. If the changes don’t take place on May 2 with the v8.51 update we expect them to take place on the last day of season 8 which is May 8, 2019.
Voting to Unvault Weapons & Items
Recent leaks by data miners have determined that Fortnite will be adding a voting system to the game. It appears as if the voting system will be used to “unvault” or bring back an item that was recently vaulted. According to the leaks players will be able to vote on a set amount of items they would like to see make their return to the Fortnite world. The leaks showcase that the items players can vote to bring back will be the Tactical SMG, X-4 Stormwing plane, Infinity Blade sword, Bouncer, Drum Gun, and Grappler.

To go along with the voting for unvaulting leaks is the recent broadcast of the tactical SMG on the Loot Lake bunker TV’s. We believe prior to enabling the voting system the screens will show every item on the list to give players enough time to decided which item should return.