Fortnite Season 6 Week 2 challenges aren’t set to start until Thursday the 4th. However, the challenges have been leaked by a credible Fortnite “leaker”.
Edit: Here is a link to the official Fortnite Season 6 Week 2 Challenges Cheat Sheet Guide
Fortnite Season 6 Week Leaked Challenges:
Free Challenges:
- Visit all of the Corrupted Areas (7 Areas – Reward: 5 Battle Pass Stars)
- Use a Shadow Stone in different matches (3 Shadow Stones – Reward: 5 Battle Pass Stars)
- Stage 1: Deal damage with a standard Assault Files to opponents (200 Damage – Reward: 10 Battle Pass Stars) (HARD)
Paid Battle Pass Challenges
- Eliminate an opponent from at least 50m away (1 Elimination – Reward: 5 Battle Pass Stars)
- Deal damage with Pistols to opponents (500 Damage – Reward: 5 Battle Pass Stars)
- SMG Eliminations (3 Eliminations – Reward: 10 Battle Pass Stars) (HARD)
- Stage 1: Deal damage with Hunting Rifles to opponents (200 Damage – Reward: 10 Battle Pass Stars)

These leaked challenges appear to be quite a bit easier than previous weeks challenges. Three of the 7 challenges are just to shoot opponents with different weapons. However, the “stage” challenges are new and are more than likely linked to the new Disco Domination LTM coming soon.
Once the challenges are officially live we will post our Season 6 Week 2 Cheat Sheet.
To view the current live challenges check out our: Fortnite Season 6 Week 1 Cheat Sheet.