Hardpoint has been a competitive game mode across the past few Call of Duty titles. The objective is to be the first team to 250 points, or the team with the highest score when time runs out. To score points in hardpoint players need to stand inside of the hardpoint, as long as nobody from the other team is in the hardpoint as well. If players from both teams are in the hardpoint then neither team scores. Each hardpoint lasts for 60 seconds before moving to a different location on the map. The hardpoints move in a set rotation. Knowing the hardpoint rotation pattern is important to make sure that you and your team are able to rotate early and setup for the next hardpoint. Here is an overhead view of each Call of Duty Black Ops 4 maps hardpoint rotations. After reaching the last hardpoint, the rotation starts back over at hardpoint 1.
Aresenal Hardpoint Rotations:

Contraband Hardpoint Rotations:

Icebreaker Hardpoint Rotations:

Firing Range Hardpoint Rotations:

Frequency Hardpoint Rotations

Gridlock Hardpoint Rotations:

Hacienda Hardpoint Rotations:

Jungle Hardpoint Rotations:

Militia Hardpoint Rotations:

Morocco Hardpoint Rotations:

Payload Hardpoint Rotations:

Seaside Hardpoint Rotations:

Slums Hardpoint Rotations:

Summit Hardpoint Rotations:

Overhead maps provided by Reddit user: /u/FleXNSB