The latest Call of Duty Black Ops 4 patch has added zombies war paints to the game. You can find the challenges by going into a zombies lobby, clicking on your name and then click on the winter calling event tab. The war paints for the Winter Calling event are as follows: Naughty Nice, Red Dragon, Frosty and Krampus. Each war paint must be unlocked in order. If you do not unlock them in order your challenges will not complete.
Keep in mind these challenges must be completed in zombies mode, completing them in any other game mode (multiplayer or blackout) will not count towards your challenges. These war paints are part of the Winter Calling event, once the Winter Calling event is over they will go away.
The war paints must be unlocked in this order:
- Naughty Nice
- Red Dragon
- Frosty
- Krampus
Winter Calling War Paints
Naughty Nice War Paint

The Naughty Nice war paint can be unlocked by getting 100 melee kills. The easiest way to do this is to use a bowie knife.
Red Dragon War Paint

The Red Dragon war paint can be unlocked by picking up 20 weapons from a mystery box.
Frosty War Paint

The Frosty war paint can be unlocked by 1500 kills with a light machine gun. This is the hardest war paint to unlock from the Winter Calling event. If you need help finding a LMG, you can pick up a Titan in the Zeus Room.
Krampus War Paint

The Krampus war paint an be completed by activating 15 perks. The easiest way to get perks is to get your secret sauce. The secret sauce dispenses a random perk that doesn’t follow typical cool down rules.