The latest Fortnite patch v8.30 went live on April 10, 2019 on all platforms. The v8.30 patch is a major patch for Fortnite as it introduced the respawn van and required a couple hours of down time. However, just hours after being released leaked images of upcoming cosmetic items such as skins, pickaxes, emotes and more started to surface on social media. The leaks are thanks to data miners decrypting and sifting through the new game files.
The new leaked cosmetics continue with the lava, jungle and ninja theme of Fortnite season 8. The lava theme with Inferno and Ruin, the ninja theme with Stealth Reflex, and the jungle theme with the banana and “relax axe” palm tree pickaxe.
These items have not been officially released, however, based on previous leaks most of the skins (outfits), pickaxes, and emotes that are data mined usually end up making it into the game. All leaks are credit to data miners @HYPEX, @xkleinmikex, and @PXLPAT_YT
All Fortnite v8.30 Leaks – April 10, 2019

Fortnite v8.30 Leaked Skins

Fortnite v8.30 Leaked Pickaxes

Fortnite v8.30 Leaked Backblings

Fortnite v8.30 Leaked Wraps

Fortnite v8.30 Leaked Gliders

Fortnite v8.30 Leaked Emotes