Search Between 3 Ski Lodges Challenge Guide (Map)

One of the battle pass challenges for Fortnite season 7 week is to “Search between 3 ski lodges”. Once you have complete the challenge you will unlock 10 battle pass stars. This challenge is noted as a “HARD” challenge on the week 3 challenge list. It is also good to note that you will need to have the paid version of the Fortnite battle pass to attempt this challenge.

The battle star spawns in the South West corner of the map, in square C9 on the map below. Once you have landed near the cabin run around until it pops up on your screen. Keep in mind if you are attempting this challenge early on in the week that there will be other players landing at this location to unlock the challenge as well.

Complete “Search Between 3 Ski Lodges” Map

Search Between 3 Cabins Map
Search Between 3 Cabins Map

The challenge can be complete by landing at the area marked on the map above. The star spawns just out front of the North cabin that is located between the other two cabins.

Fortnite Battle Star Cabin
Fortnite Battle Star Cabin
Fortnite Battle Star
Fortnite Battle Star

Cord is a full stack web developer by day and gamer by night. Since the early 2000's Cord has been following the competitive FPS gaming community.